Weight Loss Starts In Your Mindset

Just imagining that hot pizza coming out of the oven starts your body's process of getting the most nutritional value from, and digesting your food. That's right, you don't have to put the food in your mouth for digestion to start; you don't even have to see it in front of you! Eating what you enjoy gives you the most benefit of the food you eat!

That's part of the problem with dieting. When you are dieting and choosing food to make you lose weight, you are probably not imagining how great that "low fat salad dressing" is going to taste. Sure, you may be hungry, but you are missing the first component of getting nutrition from your food: palatability! And if you are eating and not enjoying your food, it sets up negative "feedback" (pardon the pun). It's like negative "poor me" belief; "I have to eat this crap because I can't stand my body the way it is".

Your MINDSET is the most important factor on your body when it comes to your health and your weight. In fact, it's hard to have a thought or emotion without a corresponding expression in your body language.

What goes on outside your body is just the exterior that reflects a change in your biochemistry inside your body as well. You heart rate and blood pressure changes, breathing, skin electrical conductivity all respond to thoughts and emotion. These are some of the readings that are used for lie detector tests.

When you "think" you are on a diet, the reason is generally because you are unhappy with some aspect of your body. Maybe you think you weight too much and don't look good, or perhaps you are having a health challenge. That's stressful for your body. Whatever the reason, if your focus is on the negative aspect of why you are eating a certain way, you are unknowingly using the Law of Attraction to bring about your goals, but in the negative! Brain science actually says the same thing, "the habitual focus of your thoughts" become pathways in your brain that are very hard to break.

When you are unhappy the stress makes your body feel that it isn't safe and stress hormones are released. The longer the stressful thoughts and emotional continue, the more intense the reaction from your body. Cortisol, the stress hormone, has a strong effect on your digestion and your weight. In fact, one of the obvious symptoms of stress is belly fat.

What can you do it you want to lose weight

Transform your mindset. Don't think "diet." Learn how to eat the foods you enjoy, but eat mindfully with the mindset of nurturing yourself, instead of depriving yourself. Use meal times as a time to focus and enjoy your food, taking a break from any stressful thoughts and problems. Soon you'll notice that you are enjoying eating, and maybe eating less because you notice a feeling of fullness and satiation.

Your body wants to keep you healthy, and gives you messages all the time. But if you're not paying attention, you won't notice. Eating mindfully is a wonderful stress relief technique that can help you improve your health, and lose weight without dieting.

Best selling author, and Coach-sultant, Lianda Ludwig, M.S. works with overwhelmed, stressed out, frustrated dieters who have lost weight and regained it time and again. Discover how to break the addiction to dieting and fighting your body and nature! Losing weight is not just about what you eat; it's about what's eating you.

Her Mentabolism Mindset Transformation Program creates a successful mindset to eliminate cravings, stop the deprived feeling of a dieter and vanquish the stress, so you can lose weight, and keep it off without naturally, without ever dieting again.

Get her free report: 5 Dirty Secrets the Diet Industry Doesn't Want You To Know at http://www.MakeItSoMindset.com/free-report