Media Myths That Can Make You Fat

Eating Ice-cream Causes Death by Drowning

This headline in a newspaper at the check out counter in the grocery store could capture your attention and make you wonder if you should stop eating ice-cream before going to the beach or a pool. But another combination of factors that are linked because they occur at the same time is something that most people believe.

Let me explain: Just because two things occur at the same time doesn't necessarily mean that one causes the other.

Summer is a time when it's hot outside. More people eat ice-cream in the hot summer weather, and more people ALSO go into the water to cool down, so more people drown. A flawed study would report that eating ice-cream causes drowning because they both increased at the same time! Now you realize that it isn't true that ice-cream causes drowning! They just occurred at the same time of year. The researcher disregarded the important considerations and jumped to the conclusion that eating ice-cream causes drowning. This is the same kind of research that many people read about health and nutrition and believe.

Many people become so attached to believing flawed studies that they fight against findings that dispute their BELIEFS. Perhaps you believe that eating butter, and saturated animal fat is causing heart disease. This flawed research, improperly reported is like an "Ice-cream Causes Drowning" type of study. And improper eating has made many people ill and contributed to obesity!

Another fervently held misconception is that eating less and exercising more will cause weight loss that is sustainable. Overdoing exercise can actually put your body into a state of stress, and slow down your metabolism!

Another fact that the Diet Industry doesn't want you to know is that 95% of all diets fail to keep the weight off for more than a few months to a couple of years. Dieting by caloric restriction works against everything that Mother Nature has designed to keep your body healthy and alive. Dieting slows your metabolism, as does excessive exercise. And when your metabolism has slowed even more while you are dieting, you are miserable and stressed. And worse of all, even though you are still starving yourself on the diet, the weight may start coming back on its own!

Unfortunately, people who don't have weight challenges insist that overweight people must continue low calorie diet and exercise lose weight, or they blame them for being lazy, and undisciplined. My work with overweight people tells me exactly the opposite. They have been chronically under-eating and punishing themselves physically and emotionally. In order to lose weight, most of them must stop dieting, and start eating more!

The negative mindset of a dieter plays into the Law of Attraction, and not in a good way. It's the mindset of deprivation, frustration, "can't and should" that invites more misery, deprivation and frustration. In order to lose weight, the focus of your mindset must change to appreciate, and nurture your body, as a beginning step.

Don't fall for the flawed research that makes you a victim. And enjoy that ice-cream especially in the summer time, because you deserve to nurture yourself!

Best selling author, and Coach-sultant, Lianda Ludwig, M.S. works with overwhelmed, stressed out, frustrated dieters who have lost weight and regained it time and again.

Losing weight is not just about what you eat; it's about what's eating you. Her Mentabolism Mindset Transformation Program ( creates a successful mindset to eliminate cravings, stop the deprived feeling of a dieter and vanquish the stress, so you can lose weight, and keep it off without naturally, without ever dieting again.

Get her free report: 5 Dirty Secrets the Diet Industry Doesn't Want You To Know.

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