How To Eliminate Stress Eating and Lose Weight

If you are an emotional stress eater then there is a solution for you. Stress is a feature of everyone's lives, there is no escaping it and no avoiding it.

Some people stop eating when stressed, but for many people who struggle with their weight, opening the refrigerator door is a natural reaction to feeling stressed. When stressed our adrenals secrete cortisol.

When we have a lot of cortisol pumping through our arteries we feel bad, to say the least. Through our conditioning we instinctively know that eating comfort food will relieve some of the stress.

The problem is that eating, especially junk carbohydrates really does make us feel better. You feel stressed, you eat some comfort food and quickly your cortisol levels drop.

But... soon you feel upset because you ate the whole thing and your stress goes up again. Or even if you have no issues about eating your previous stress will quickly assert itself.

You have two choices, one to keep eating, which is obviously not a solution and two, find a way to manage your stress. The good news is that you can manage your stress and control your eating, and feel much better by using the Rapid Change Stress Eating Method.

This process which combines three powerful therapies including hypnosis, is a safe gentle way to release your stress, and help you create a new positive relationship with food. It is said that it takes 30 days to create a new habit, you have created a habit of eating when you are stressed probably thousands of times in your life.

So no wonder it is hard to control your stress eating with sheer will power. It's about as successful as trying to quit smoking by will. Sure a few do it but most don't succeed. Using hypnosis you can fast track a new habit from weeks or even months to just one hour or so.

Once the new habit has been gently introduced into your subconscious it will run like a constant computer programme keeping you from eating to make yourself feel happier.

The best thing is that not only will you eat much less and lose weight but you will feel so much happier in your life. This in turn will lead you to taking more positive actions in your life with the result that you will lose more weight and in turn become even happier.