Get in Shape for Summer - Lose 20lbs in 2 Months - Guaranteed!

Arguably the most popular weight loss supplement right now in the U.S are Green Coffee Extracts which include either Svetol or GCA - Green Coffee Anti-oxidants.

Svetol is a slimming and beauty active ingredient that is made up of a mixture of chlorogenic acids extracted from the green coffee bean.

Other natural plants which contain chlorogenic acids are cherries, apples, kiwis and plums, but the principle food source is coffee, which per cup averages about 100mg.

Green coffee beans though contains approximately 95% more chlorogenic acid than a cup of coffee which is why it's essential that if you buy a diet supplement of this kind, it must list both the volume of the capsule containing 45% or more chlorogenic acid and also that it includes Svetol or GCA as well.

Why Chlorogenic Acid?

Chlorogenic acid has been pin pointed out as an essential fat burning stimulant in 3 departments.
1. It limits lipid oxidation in the liver.

Lipid oxidation causes injury to the liver and the potential for future ailments developing.

2. It restricts glucose from being absorbed when you've just eaten.

Glucose in its manufactured form found in fast foods and off the shelf or microwaved dishes, is difficult for the body to break down and subsequently builds up as fatty tissue hence you put on weight.

3. It helps increase the rate at which glucose is released and broken down in the blood.
This is crucial if you are looking for a diet supplement which will help you lose weight even if your diet and exercise schedule remains unchanged.

Predicted Weight Loss Results Taking Green Coffee Bean Extracts

As predicted by supplement manufacturers themselves, if you are looking to get in shape by the summer or simply shed a few pounds without a change in diet or exercise, expect to see the following results.

1 Month: Expect to see a decline in weight by up to 10lbs.
2 Months: An additional 10lbs making that 20lbs.
3 Months: A further 10lbs making that 30lbs.

Of course results will vary, but ideally if you can cut back on the processed carbs and stick to a mix of more complex carbs, with some moderate exercise then there's by no means according to these supplements claims this can be achieved, which has been backed up by celebrity dietitians in the U.S who have reviewed green coffee extracts as potentially one of the safest and effective weight loss diets of its time.

Watch this video which explains how green coffee bean diet extracts really work in greater detail.