Weight Loss and Staying Motivated

Weight loss can be a challenge especially when it comes to finding ways to stay motivated. It is especially discouraging if you are working hard and seeing no results. It is difficult to take into consideration that it will take time for your body to start to process the changes, and that it will take time for you to start to see any results and that in some cases weight gain is you building muscle rather than gaining weight. All of these factors can sometimes make it harder for a person to lose the weight they are trying to achieve.

I am right there with you when it comes to finding ways to stay motivated. For me the catalyst that sparked my strong burning desire to lose the weight was when I was told I was pre-diabetic. Having witnessed people close to me succumb to this disease I was initially devastated. My first reaction was grief. I thought about how I would not get to be here for my children and how everything was going to be different. This sadness turned around though when my doctor told me that I could reverse the damage if I lost weight.

It seemed condescending at first and to be honest I was angry at that comment. After time went by that anger turned into resolution, I realized that what he was really saying to me was that my fate was not sealed. I had options. A very clear option, lose the weight.

With that I resolved to prepare myself to do just that. I started slowly, making some food changes, becoming more active, and I lost a couple of inches but no pounds. I went to see specialists, nutritionist, and more, you name it and chances are I went to see them, looked it up online, or gave them a call to ask questions.

I had found my motivator. My motivator was my desire to beat diabetes and that helped me to continue to push through when things got difficult or when progress was slow. Today I have made some drastic changes and the weight is starting to come off. It is a fantastic feeling but my journey is just getting started. For you, you may not have any health concerns at the moment that can be the lasting motivation that you need to make the changes that need to be made.

The question you will need to ask yourself is "what will motivate me to keep focused on reaching my goals?" or "What will motivate me through the temptation?" When you have the answer to either of these questions you have everything you need to lose the weight while staying motivated.

To learn more about weight loss, including tips, resources, supplements and more visit my blog at: http://www.waystolosefatquick.com