4 Healthy Resolutions for 2013 (That You Can Keep) To Change Your Life

It's the New Year. This is the time to put our best foot forward and make 2013 the best year yet. It often feels like the time to start something new or make big changes in our lives that will propel us to be the best possible versions of ourselves. But if we start every year with the same aspirations, why is it that by May (or March) we're hanging up the towel until November when we start planning out our big move for the next January 1st? Big, broad resolutions, while ambitious, are often difficult to keep without a well laid out plan. And one slip, leads to another, leads to "maybe next year".

If your goal is to be healthier in 2013 than you were in 2012 (and that is a GREAT goal that everyone should have, in my opinion), then I'm here to help. Here are 4 Healthy Resolutions that are easy to track on a daily basis and are sure to improve your life in 2013.

Healthy Resolution #1: Stretch It Out

This simple resolution is skipped by so many. Everyone wants to increase their cardio or lift more weights, but without proper stretching, injuries are sure to occur and throw you off your fitness path. Adding five minutes of stretching per day to your activity will go a long way to improving your health. Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles and surrounding tissues. It also helps to remove metabolic waste products created when the muscles are used on a regular basis, which reduces chronic muscle soreness and pain.

Keys to maximizing stretching:

1. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Although I love yoga programs, when you are simply stretching at the end of a workout, the key is to target your muscles groups as efficiently as possible. There is no need for long drawn out stretches on a daily basis, simply hold those stretches for 5-10 seconds and then move on to another area. The nice thing about a short stretch is that you have time to come back and repeat the stretch 2 or 3 times.

2. Customize your stretching. Everyone is built differently and has different occupational demands. An individual who sits at a desk for 8 hours a day will not need the same stretches as someone who is on their feet all day. The best way to target your areas of muscle tension is to ask your chiropractor. He evaluates your body on every visit and can help to identify areas of imbalance and the stretches that will be most beneficial for your lifestyle. If you do not or have never seen a chiropractor, but are contemplating adding stretching to your fitness routine, maybe this is the year to see what health goals you can achieve through chiropractic care.

3. Pick your time! The easiest way to make your stretching a habit is to pick a time that makes the most sense with your schedule. Maybe it is after dinner, during your favorite TV show, or first thing in the morning after you brush your teeth. If you correlate your stretching with a specific daily task, it will be that much easier to make stretching your next health habit.

Healthy Resolution #2: Bag of Veg

Many of us want to "lose weight" for the New Year. That is an excellent goal. However, if you do not instill the daily habits to keep that healthy weight, then what you have lost is sure to return after your "weight loss program" is complete.

Anyone can lose 20 pounds, but losing 20 and keeping it off for a year or two; that is worth talking about! Adding a bag of vegetables per day is an easy daily habit that anyone can keep. All it takes is a quart size bag and some chopped raw vegetables. One cup of raw vegetables is considered one serving. One quart would give you 4 servings of vegetables. The recommended daily intake for fruits and vegetables is 9-15 servings. Filling up the quart size bag and snacking on it throughout the day will fill your stomach, curb any cravings, balance your blood sugar, keep your bowels regular, and give you the nutrients your body needs be healthy and energized.

Keep your bag colorful and mix it up. Some of my favorites are carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans, celery, and beets. If you cannot eat raw vegetables without adding a little flavor, try almond butter, organic hummus, or an organic vinaigrette dressing. Just be sure to watch the serving size.

Healthy Resolution #3: Be a Picky Drinker

Yes this one is obvious, but we all must drink more WATER. Nearly half of all people mistake dehydration cravings for hunger, which leads to excessive calorie intake and weight gain. Many people mistakenly count their entire fluid intake towards their daily water intake. When you consume sugary, caffeinated, or alcoholic beverages, they are actually dehydrating your body. There are only two beverages that I count toward my daily water intake, WATER and freshly brewed unsweetened TEA (not to be more than 20 oz. per day). Fresh squeezed lemon is the best way to zest up those two choices. Staying hydrated will decrease pain levels, help with mental clarity, maintain energy levels, provide healthy cell communication, and optimal muscle contraction (think heart and gut).

How much should you drink? The old 8 cups per day is a good start because most people do not even get that much. However, I recommend 1 oz of water for every kilogram of body weight. To get that number take your weight in pounds and divide by 2.2 (i.e. A 200 lb. person should drink 90 ounces of water per day). The easiest way to be sure you are getting your proper water intake is to have a water bottle on your person at all times. If you know the size of your bottle, than you know how many of that container you need to hit your goal. You should be going to the "john" one time every 1-2 hours if you are properly hydrated. Just remember, "if you see white, you're alright - if you see yellow, you're a sick fellow."

Healthy Resolution #4: Less Complaints, More Compliments

We all do it because we are human, but that does not make complaining OK. If you want to be healthier, one of the first things you need to do is stop complaining about where you are right now. It is great that you want to change, but in order to change something about your life, you must first change your mind. There is a universal law called the Law of Attraction and it simply says that you will attract into your life what you focus on the most. Mathew 13-12 says, "To anyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; from anyone who has not, even what he has will be taken away." Complaining begets more complaining and leads to a life of anxiety, stress, and disease.

How do we stop complaining? First, we need to count our blessings daily. After love, gratitude is the most powerful emotion in the world. Create a "Blessing Board" where you have a collage of all the people, places, events, and things you are thankful for in your life. It may start small, but trust me if you take 2 minutes a day to stand in front of it with gratitude, you will watch how it grows before your very eyes. Second, you may want to wear a bracelet. The process behind the bracelet is that every time you express a complaint, you must switch the band to your other wrist. Try going 21 days without switching the bracelet and see how your life and others around you is transformed. Check out http://www.acomplaintfreeworld.org for more information. Finally, remember to envision the final destination. Whether you are trying to lose weight, pay off debt, or grow a relationship, there are many trials that will test you throughout your journey. Focus on the end result and be grateful for every trial you must overcome to achieve it.

These simple resolutions are ones that I have implemented into my own life throughout my years of practice. They may seem small, but I know they will lead you to a healthier and happier 2013. Every decision you make takes you one step closer to health or one step closer to sickness. Small changes in the right direction make a big difference. Commit to these 4 Healthy Resolutions and make 2013 YOUR YEAR!

If you are interested in health and wellness, please visit our website http://www.turofamilychiropractic.com for more information. If you'd like to schedule a consultation with the doctor, you can reach our office at 412-369-0400.