Weight Loss Myth - Doing High Reps With Light Weights Will Burn More Fat and "Tone"

This has been drilled into our heads for years! Just pick up any magazine and you'll see a picture of an attractive, slender, lean female, holding super light weights, suggesting that she got her body by effortlessly curling 5 pound weights 20 to 25 times each arm. Yeah right. And this is transferred into the gym, where you'll find the majority of the women lifting light weights because they have been told that is how you lose weight and "tone" up. And you will find most of the men are lifting much heavier weights for much fewer reps to build muscle. But is this really the case?

At my gym the majority of the ladies who are lifting light weights a dozens of times in a row are also the ones who are on the cardio machines a lot (and I'm not talking about intense cardio queens who run for hours), these ladies can carry on a conversation and text at the same time. But these ladies are not slender or toned, in fact, most of them are the exact opposite, overweight and soft. While the men (and a few of the women) who are lifting heavier weights for lower reps have far less body fat on them and they have muscle. Now, don't go thinking what so many women fear, "I don't want to bulk up!" Ask any bodybuilder how "easy" it is to put on muscle, it's not, and this won't happen unless are on a crazy diet (eating TONS of bodybuilding foods) and lifting like a bodybuilder. So then, what is the solution to lifting weighs, cardio and losing weight?

INTENSITY! Intensity is key to getting results. You can lift both light and heavy weights and not see any change in your body, but add intensity to your workouts and keep your rest times short, and you'll get the best results. Really focus on your workouts, leave your phone behind and get your heart rate elevated and sweat. When our workouts are intensive and include some heavier lifting it helps speed up our metabolism and helps us burn energy throughout the day, even when you are sitting on the couch watching TV.

So, whether you decide to lift light weights or heavy weights, or a combination of both, make it intense and you will drop body fat and add lean muscle, which will mean a tighter, sexier you.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kate_Cameron