Fat Is Not The Villain

Fat Is Not The Villain
For the last two decades we have been told that fat is what is making us fat. It is the f-word that has lead to such poor health and obesity across the globe. But in North America we have cut our fat from 40-32 percent of our daily calories, but the average North American has been putting on almost 10 pounds a year! How can this be? Haven't they been telling us for years that a diet reduced in fat is supposed to help us lose weight? Doesn't fat in our bodies mean less fat on our bodies?

I ask many of my clients to keep a food journal, at least for a few days so I can get an idea of what their diet looks like. So many of them list foods like, fat-free cookies, fat-free cakes, fat-free licorice, and non-fat yogurt/sour cream. Many people believe that if a product says fat-free that makes it a "free" food and can be eaten as often as they like, in un-limited quantities. Whether it is fat-free or not, it's junk food! The main ingredient in these so-called healthy snacks is SUGAR, and sugar my friend is the real enemy. Sugar turns into pounds on your thighs and gut. And these products shouldn't even be called food because they often have contain mainly white flour, dangerous chemicals and dyes that your body doesn't even know what to do with, and it certainly doesn't need.

Your body needs healthy fats to work at it's best. I'm not saying that you can go and gorge on it and not gain weight, but not having enough good fats in our diets is more likely to put weight on you than help you lose it. Choose lean meats, olive oil, nuts, seeds and avocados for your diet. These choices are full of good nutrients like vitamins A, D and K. Remember that the culprit in your diet is what North American's have become accustomed to "wrapping" our so-called "fatty-foods" in, breads, buns, croissants etc. And where the empty foods like buns, breads, and croissants leave you feeling hungry in an hour, the "fattier" foods will leave you feeling full and satisfied and ward of the immediate hunger cravings you have likely come to know. You still need to make sure that you don't go over board though, because too much of anything isn't good either. But you already know that.

For your FREE Guide To Beat Belly Fat visit: http://www.incrediblebodynow.com

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kate_Cameron