Effectively Lose Weight With A Paleo Diet Grocery List

In today's sugar and carbohydrate addicted world a lot of people experience excessive weight. Sugar and carbohydrates are in fact the number one cause of excess weight. These types of nutrients trigger a whole variety of issues for humans, beginning with insulin spikes that cause low energy levels all the way to chronic ailments that can devastate a healthy living. The paleo diet is one of the only diets available today that almost totally cuts sugar and processed carbohydrates from nutrition and thereby eliminates a host of problems that would otherwise persist or even increase. One of the first things anybody will notice when looking at their paleo diet grocery list is that it contains zero processed or refined foods, meaning all of the foods on there are either organically grown vegetables or fruit or meat that comes directly from the farmer, butcher or the seas. An optimized paleo diet grocery list ideally only contains vegetables and fruit with low carbohydrate and very low starch content or a healthy type of natural sugar that does not do harm to your body.

The next great advantage of the paleo diet is that it can contain as much or as little protein as you like to have, and that due to the nutrients you take in on a daily basis, your protein synthesis will become optimized over time. One of the first things that is going to be recommended to you whenever you join a gym to lose weight is to amplify your protein intake. What ordinary gym instructors do not tell you is that in order to maximize protein synthesis you should almost completely cut sugar from your diet. The only time any sugar should be required is right after a good muscle workout or during long endurance cardiovascular related exercises. The logical thing to do is to replace your usual sugary soft or energy drinks with fresh fruit from your paleo diet grocery list. A fruit smoothie or a vegetable and fruit smoothie mix right after training or even during training can quickly be absorbed and is totally natural. In addition to the healthy sugar you will get from this type of drink it also contains plenty of minerals and vitamins that are much more easily absorbed by your body than are synthetic, factory produced supplements. It is therefore quite difficult to understand why only a small percentage of people even today choose synthetic supplements over natural ones. The main explanation I could find for that phenomenon is that natural foods are more widely available and do not receive the same kind of marketing back up that other nutritional supplements within the fitness industry find. Natural foods already sell well and do not necessarily have to be advertised, even though they should be!

Getting back to the topic of protein, you will find that your paleo diet grocery list is a food list filled with protein. The first thing any bodybuilder or athlete that wants to focus on building muscle and losing weight needs in his diet is protein. The reason is simple; protein is what builds muscle cells and therefore protein is what builds the non-fat components in your body after your workouts. This means the more muscle you build by feeding protein to your body, the less place there will be for fat and your body composition will eventually change to being predominantly muscle. Protein in fact burns fat and the higher the muscle or protein content of your body, the lower is your body fat percentage. This means that if you use your paleo diet food list for a long enough duration you will experience a decrease in body fat percentage, an increase in vitamin and mineral absorption as well as muscle growth. Furthermore it needs to be mentioned that consistent use of a paleo diet food list will mean that your body's hormone levels will return to normal. This can mean a variety of things starting with automated fat loss, healthy appetite without cravings, healthy and regular sleep at night, steady energy levels without insulin spikes and an overall increase in wellbeing combined with a drastic reduction of physical ailments.

Take action today and get hold of my paleo diet food list at http://www.apaleodietfoodlist.blogspot.com

I also recommend you get my $27 Paleo Recipe Book for a list of 300 delicious and fat melting recipes that will help to normalize your body's hormone levels and enable you to lose excess fat fast while becoming a healthier person!

Visit http://www.paleodietmenu.info today!