Still Drinking Diet Soda?

Diet drinks have been consumed for years by dieters and others trying to avoid the calories and sugar associated with regular soft drinks. But is it really a healthier alternative? Here are some facts to consider before you pop open that next can.

Diet soda makes you fat. Scientists at the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio determined that the more diet soda test subjects drank the fatter they became. Those who consumed two or more diet sodas per day increased their waist size an average of 500%! It actually causes you to crave high-carbohydrate, processed foods.

It ramps up your sweet tooth. Diet sodas stimulate your sweet taste receptors and the stimulation is so strong it dulls your ability to taste the natural sweetness of fruits and vegetables.

It pulls calcium from your bones. This is an especially valid point for those already at risk for osteoporosis. Phosphoric acid, a main ingredient in diet drinks, is associated with lower bone density. The reason this is used in manufacturing diet sodas is it gives the drink a tangy taste that people love and it keeps mold and bacteria from growing in the can. Yum!

It increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular disease. Unbelievably, regular soda consumption was not associated with these risks.

Artificial sweetener is a neurotoxin. Aspartame has been known to cause irritation and over-stimulation of the nerves. Many experts believe it can cause long-term nerve and neurological damage.

It can cause skin problems. Diet sodas disrupt your pH levels, which can lead to acne and rob your skin of its radiance. We need high levels of alkalinity in order for our complexions to be healthy and glowing. The high acidic levels found in diet sodas dramatically lower your pH.

It can actually make you feel bad. The aspartame found in these drinks trigger or increase depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.

It reduces kidney function. Just two diet sodas a day was shown to reduce the function of the kidneys by 30%.

Do you need any more reasons than this?

The makers of the zero calorie sodas would like you to buy into the marketing that these drinks are part of a healthy lifestyle, or at least part of a good diet plan that keeps down caloric intake. The risks and health problems associated with these products far outweigh the reduction of calories.

If you'd like to avoid the above health risks and weight gain, drink the best fluid ever created for your body. Water!

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