I'm Stuck On My Weight Loss

Have you ever said to yourself, I'm stuck on my weight loss? You know you've been really good, OK, maybe could tweak a couple things, but you know that you should see the scale moving down? That's where I have been for a while now. I haven't gained any weight, but I'm stuck. I was talking to my Doctor about it and he recommended that I take a metabolic test. He said it would explain where I have deficiencies and if I have any food allergies. That would allow me to eliminate the foods that may be causing me to not lose weight. The results will also show what supplements I should take that will get my system functioning tiptop so that I can lose the weight. He works with a company called Metametrix. He sent me home with the test where I had to provide a blood test (finger prick) and urine sample. Everything you need is included in the kit, including shipment. I sent everything in and about a week later, my Doctor had my results.


I hadn't anticipated my results. I mean I couldn't believe all the deficiencies I had. And I found out I have a severe intolerance to pork (no more Canadian bacon for me), eggs and dairy. I also started looking at the list of symptoms that were affected by the deficiencies and food intolerances.

You ask, why am I sharing all of this with you? I am hoping that maybe I can provide you some insight. Does any of these symptoms sound familiar to you? You're foggy, can't focus, don't remember. Do you find yourself saying I'm tired all the time and have trouble sleeping? Or maybe you're doing everything right but you are on a plateau with your weight. Do you ever wonder why that is? Do you think that maybe it's your age, your diet, stress, all the above? It's crazy because sometimes we just go on with our day thinking these symptoms are normal. I know I did. I mean, sometimes we know we're having issues, but find it such the norm that we don't think twice about how it could be something that requires serious attention.

Test Results

So let me share a little about my test results showed. If any of this seems familiar to you, you may want to ask your Doctor if he/she can perform this test, or send you somewhere that can.

B-Vitamin Insufficiency

B-vitamins are essential co-factors in a wide spectrum of chemical reactions within the body and are essential for the production of important hormones and neurotransmitters. They are the most important vitamin modulators of human biochemistry. Having less than optimal levels may not cause specific symptoms in some, but may manifest in many people in the following ways:
  • Fatigue and lack of vitality
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Diminished capacity to deal with stress
  • Mood imbalances and sleep disturbance
  • Lack of concentration and memory
  • Blood sugar regulation difficulties
  • Dermatitis and skin disorders.
Inefficient cellular Energy Production
This is a critical process that occurs within all cells and sub-optimal energy production may result in:
  • Fatigue and lack of vitality
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Generalized muscle aches
  • Lack of concentration and memory
Chronic Stress
A chronic high level of stress and a sub-optimal or fatigued stress response can result in:
  • Fatigue and lack of vitality
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Diminished capacity to deal with stress
  • Mood imbalances and sleep disturbance
  • Lack of concentration and memory
A Sub-optimal ability to detoxify internal and external chemicals and toxins. Elevated body burden of toxin may result in:
  • Fatigue and lack of vitality
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Lack of concentration and memory
  • Increased oxidative stress and risk of chronic diseases
An imbalance of gastrointestinal bacterial growth. Dysbiosis may cause increases in bacterial toxins being absorbed and sent to the liver where the body's detoxification process is required to neutralize these compounds, putting additional stress on the detoxification system. It commonly can cause vague gastrointestinal symptoms such as:
Diarrhea and/or constipation (or alternating diarrhea and constipation)
Gas and bloating
Intestinal cramping
Flatulence (excessive gas)
Increased risk for arthritis and autoimmune diseases
Food Intolerance
I also had multiple food intolerances. They can result from eating the same foods too often (over exposure), poor digestion of foods, and/or increases in intestinal permeability (leaky-gut). Multiple food sensitivities can result in a myriad of potential symptoms including:
  • Fatigue and lack of vitality
  • Skin rashes and other skin conditions
  • Respiratory and sinus congestion
  • Increased risk for arthritis and autoimmune diseases
  • Inability to lose weight
  • Migraine and other headaches
So, this is in no way telling you that you have any of these deficiencies, I just wanted to bring to your attention that if you feel many of these symptoms, you may want to have it checked out. Here's to your health.

Lisa has lost over 80 pounds and kept it off for over 12 years. She knows what it is like to get made fun of when you're a child. She knows the pain of missing dances, the prom and dates through her teen years. Lisa struggled with yo-yo dieting most of her life. She's gone through drastic measures to lose weight, but now found the real truth in keeping the weight off. Lisa now helps others get on the fit track; mind, body, spiritual and financial. She's taught people measureable steps of what it takes to be successful. If you want to know how, or want Lisa to help you, go to http://www.born2befit.com and sign up to receive Lisa's news letters. She will inspire you and get you on the right path. So do it now, you won't be sorry.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_B_Magoulas