Permanent Weight Loss Is Sabotaged by Hypnosis

Dieting is a painful, stressful ordeal for most people. It means giving up the foods you enjoy, eating tasteless food. Most people believe they need to stay on a strict diet plan in order to lose weight. In fact, the diet industry has actually convinced many people that they have to take supplements, pills and other weird foods in order to lose weight. Unfortunately, most hypnosis plays right into this flawed belief about dieting, and how to lose weight.

Hypnosis for dieting I've investigated focuses on controlling over-eating, cravings for comfort foods, and increasing exercise. Those are the typical diet strategies that have been recommended by the diet industry. The only problem is: 95% of all diets that follow the recommendation of "eat less and exercise more" fail to maintain any weight loss. People who follow diets that include reduced caloric intake and increased exercise, regain the weight they have struggled to lose within a few months to a couple of years!

This is NOT because dieters cheat, and go back to eating their regular foods. It's NOT because people trying to lose weight are lazy and stop their exercise program. It IS because this type of diet plan does NOT WORK. It fights Nature's strategy to keep you alive and healthy!

When you cut your calories and institute a rigorous exercise plan you are putting your body into a stressful state. When your body is stressed, it focuses on keeping you alive. You've heard of flight or flight, which is your body's natural response to stress. When you are reacting to stressors, your body puts all it's energy to fighting or escaping a predator until you are safe. During this event digestion and metabolism are low on the list of what your body needs to be doing at that time to help you survive. Metabolism is slowed down until the stress is gone. And dieting is a CHRONIC stress, so your metabolism will be suppressed all during the time that you are eating less or exercising more!

Hypnosis sabotages permanent weight loss because it helps you to STAY in the stressful state by making you eat less and exercising more. If the hypnosis was focused on being safe in your body, stress relief or finding a different way to alleviate stress instead of emotional eating, that type of hypnosis could work. Unfortunately, hypnotists have fallen for the same Big Fat Lies that the majority of society now believes: that if you eat less and exercise more, you'll lose weight.

The diet industry is thrilled to have the public brain washed with that belief, because it gives them a revolving door of returning, paying customers. Hypnosis, when done properly, can assist a dieter to lose weight, but as it stands, it's not the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Yes, it is important to transform your mindset to help you achieve weight loss.

Have you had difficulty with maintaining your weight loss? Please share your comments below.

Best selling author, and Coach-sultant, Lianda Ludwig, M.S. works with overwhelmed, stressed out, frustrated dieters who have lost weight and regained it time and again. Losing weight is not just about what you eat; it's about what's eating you.

Her Mentabolism Mindset Transformation Program creates a successful mindset to eliminate cravings, binging, starving yourself and vanquish the stress, so you can lose weight, and keep it off without naturally, without ever dieting again.

Get her free report: 5 Dirty Secrets the Diet Industry Doesn't Want You To Know at