How Technology Has Helped Make Us Fatter

It's a fact that as a society we've become more technologically connected than ever before. Unfortunately, as a whole we are just not being as active as we used to be in the past. When you stop and think about this it makes a lot of sense.

Thirty years ago, we didn't have personal computers, hand held video game systems, and naturally smartphones and tablets hadn't even been thought of yet, let alone invented. We didn't have home theater systems with 60" LCD screens capable of streaming movies over the Internet or online gaming where you can play games such as Modern Warfare or Halo with people all across the globe.

We have come a long way over the past few decades, however with all these technological advancements comes a repercussion especially for those who have allowed this technology to make them complacent and become careless when it comes to nutrition and exercise.

While we participate in these sedentary activities such as watching tv, reading a book, or using the computer, many people often enjoy snacking on unhealthy foods. When this happens on a regular or daily basis, the downward cycle spirals out of control. soon, before you know it, there's been a thirty or forty pound weight gain all thanks to snacking and eating while being entertained.

Think about it, if you are playing a game of basketball or tennis with friends, you most definitely would not be munching on a bag of potato chips and drinking soda. You're engaged in a physical activity, sweating, breathing hard, exercising. Food is most likely the last thing on your mind. Even afterwards you probably don't feel like munching on chips and soda but instead drink a couple large glasses of water and likely eat something healthy for your next meal.

However on the couch while watching tv or a movie, you're relaxed, comfortable, and in this comfort is where it's easy to whip out a snack and drinks and chow down. Given how snacks these days are packed with high fructose corn syrup, they have an addictive quality to them and before you know it you are munching on these types of snacks and drinks on a regular, maybe even a daily basis.

Sure technology has made things more convenient and entertaining, but that doesn't mean we should camp out and just keep eating and eating. The result will simply be weight gain. If you are going to enjoy these types of activities, do so in a controlled manner and if you must snack on something, make sure it is healthy and low in calories.

Find a balance between entertainment and exercise. Not only is working out healthy for your body, but you will find a different way to stimulate your mind and release energy. Find an activity or exercise you enjoy doing and you may find the next time you are on the couch watching tv, all in your hand will be a glass of water and an apple.

Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has recently embarked on a journey to lose weight, eat healthier, and finally get in shape! Follow his progress on as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and eating healthy. From healthy eating guides, to a step-by-step manual tackling the process of losing weight, to free weight loss videos, get the latest information to combat the rising obesity epidemic and start improving your health today at