What to Wear in 2013 to Finally Start Dressing Better

It's that time of year. Time to make your New Year's Resolution. You'll probably make the standard lose weight, get out of debt, or travel more resolutions. If we were to look at the heart of all of these resolutions, they are really all about you finally getting your act together. However, keeping your New Year's resolutions is so time-consuming. Your 2013 is already going to be jam-packed with all the diet bandwagons you will falling off of this year. Instead of actually getting your act together in 2013, how about you just look like you have it all together? So here is what to wear in 2013 to look like you have tackled your New Year's Resolutions.

Color. Color has been a trend for several years and it will continue into 2013. People who have their act together are happy and happy people wear color. So in order to "fake the funk" this year you will need to embrace color. The happy and colorful vibes you will be giving off will divert everyone from the fact that you have missed your last five diet support group meetings.

Menswear inspired jackets. Menswear will continue to dominate the department store floors. Look for blazers, military style jackets, and tweed jackets with leather elbow patches. You may have declared 2013 as the year you will meet Prince Charming. These menswear inspired frocks will have your colleagues wondering if you are wearing your new boyfriend's jacket and only you will be aware of the fact that your diaphragm is dustier than War and Peace at your local library.

Playful Prints. These prints will not be limited to only tops and party dresses, they are also going to make appearances on jeans. Incorporate these playful prints onto your skirts, pants, shoes, and outerwear. These playful prints will cause you to smile every time you see them and distract you from your anorexic savings account balance - this resolution may have been a little premature, how about you incorporate it into your 2017 New Year's resolutions?

Classics. These are wardrobe items that are always in style that should be in every woman's wardrobe, such as: white button down blouse, ballet flats, and a great trench coat. By incorporating these into your wardrobe, your neighbors will think that you completed your resolution and finally took that trip to Europe and came back with these extra chic clothes. In actuality, the only thing French you have experienced is of the potato variety at the nearest drive-thru café.

Get ready for all the compliments you will undoubtedly receive from your new fabulous sense of style even it is truly style over substance. At the end of the year there will be something you can say you accomplished. You will be better dressed since you have figured out what to wear in 2013. Now, no more procrastinating. It's time to tackle your New Year's Resolutions - after your nap!

Aisha Jones is a wardrobe artist and creator of Style Recipe Cards. Get her FREE 7-PART COURSE "How to go from Plain Jane to Captivating & Chic" at http://www.NoMorePlainJane.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aisha_Jones