What Are You Willing to Give Up to Lose Weight?

This article I decided to title "what are you willing to give up to lose weight?" and I did that because I just recently faced that same question. At a whopping 90 pounds overweight I am considered morbidly obese. This is a hard thing realization when most of my life I spent deeply afraid of gaining weight. It is odd the way that life works sometimes. We are challenged with the things we fear most so that we can learn to overcome our fears.

It took me nearly 9 years to come this realization. Hopefully for you it doesn't take that long but when I discovered that I had developed pre-diabetes I realized that another fear of mine was staring me in the face and I either needed to make some changes or accept that I would go down the same road as my loved ones before me.

One of the things about finding yourself being face to face with your personal fears is that you have an opportunity to make some important decisions. The two things that I feared the most I had become face to face with. As though the universe were challenging me to say "You realize you can overcome these fears". It was not right away that it hit me what I needed to do. I had to ask myself what I was willing to do in order to lose the weight.

For you, that thing may be different from what my thing was. You may only need to lose a few pounds or several pounds. It really doesn't matter how much weight you need to lose it matters what you are willing to give up in order for you to achieve your goal. I know how hard it can be to make a change. It is the reason it took me 9 years to come to terms with my situation and to make some serious changes in my life.

When you are looking down the "rabbit's hole" what do you see there? What is the thing that is holding you back from losing the weight you want to lose? What is keeping you from achieving your goals? What is standing in your way? For most of us there is something. For others, those that don't have something in their way, I am sorry I don't have the answers for you. I am talking to those that can reach their weight loss goals if they are willing to let go of the thing that is keeping them from achieving the weight loss they desire. Once you can identify the problem you are on your way towards realizing your future.

To learn more about weight loss, including tips, resources, supplements and more visit my blog at: http://www.waystolosefatquick.com