Powerful Goal Setting Tips for 2013, Part 1 of 3 - How To Make It Your Best Year Ever

What about you? Were you able to check off most of your 2012 goals? Or did you perhaps not even set any goals for this year?

It is a well-known fact that by the third week in January most people abandon their New Year's Resolutions. Why is this?

I have created three articles to shed some light on this seeming phenomena, which may in reality be more of an epidemic than a phenomena. I'll also give you some insider points on how you can make the New Year one of your best years ever. This is the first of three articles.

What I'm about to share with you is so powerful, that if you 'get this,' you too can set goals that simply must come to pass. It's like magic!

First Step To Effective Goal Setting

There are many reasons why people's goals are not being realized. More of which I will share in the second and third article. Here are two sub-points that explain why goals are not realized and how to change these areas:

1. Wishful Thinking vs. Effective Goal Setting: The first reason why people's New Year's resolutions go out the window or goals are usually not accomplished is because what you write down are in fact not goals at all. They are merely wishful thinking and dreams that are not in alignment with where you are in the moment or where you ought to be in life overall. To double-check whether your goals are actually achievable or come from a place of dreaming or wishful thinking, one has to tune into their overall life journey, their purpose. Ask yourself what your great purpose is in life. If your dreams and desires revolve around your purpose, then your goals will be much more easily achieved.
2. Desperation vs. Inspiration: Most of the New Year's resolutions people write down originate from the energy of desperation. Things like "I want to lose weight" usually result from having eaten way too much over the holidays and feeling dissatisfied with oneself. Or "I want to be in a relationship" is as a result of having spent the holidays alone yet once again. You can't set goals that originate from a place of lack or desperation. You must first learn how to transmute that negative energy into a positive stream of energy and then create a goal from that place. Goals must be set from a place of love, because you can imagine yourself having achieved that goal already and you love that feeling and those visions. So the 'why' becomes one of your most important components. Why are you truly wanting to set this goal? There has to be a bigger reason than "just because" or "because it's my birth right" or "because I deserve it."

In my next article, part two of this three-part series, we'll cover some additional parts why goals don't have a solid chance to be accomplished.

Dr. Cha~zay is an International Business Consultant and Metaphysician. You can download her free goal setting tele-seminar along with a free 8-day eMail course for even more tips here. http://cha-zay.com/2013goals/

She also teaches a three-step mentorship course called Anatomy of Effective Goal Setting, which is a full fledged PowerPoint presentation with over 100 slides and complete with downloadable documents. This course is taught online and is self paced. Her teaching is based on solid, grounded business principles that are in alignment with the laws of the Universe. She caters to purpose driven and heart centered entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs-in-the-making through her tele-seminars, workshops and mentorship programs.