Major Points To Help Motivate You To Lose Weight

We often feel that we need to lose weight, but many of us struggle to rustle up the motivation and enthusiasm to do anything about it. Summoning up the drive and motivation can be difficult, unless we have a specific reason or desire to shed those unwanted pounds, we will keep stalling and putting it off.

The following factors may help provide the motivation we need to lose weight:

- Reduction in our risk of heart related problems
Excess weight is known to be a contributory factor to heart problems and disease. If we change our lifestyle to incorporate a healthy diet and take up a regular exercise regime, we will significantly reduce the risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack.

- Reduction of our blood pressure
High blood pressure is also a contributory factor to the risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as affecting the healthy function of our kidneys, and contributing to the hardening of our arteries. We can reduce these risks by losing weight through a healthy balanced diet in conjunction with an exercise regime. This has been proven, in most cases, to bring about a natural reduction in blood pressure.

- Reduction in our risk of developing diabetes
If we are overweight, we may be at risk of developing insulin resistance, which is a contributory factor to the development of type 2 diabetes. Once we begin to eat a healthy diet and have reduced our intake of refined sugar,carbohydrates and fats
, exercise and begin to lose weight, we will be helping our body process the food we eat more efficiently, substantially reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

- Reduction in our risk of developing cancer
Being overweight is related to many different forms of cancer. These include colon cancer, breast and endometrial cancer. It is possible to reduce our risk of developing cancer by 50% if not more simply by losing weight and changing to a healthier lifestyle.

- Try and boost our confidence
If we are overweight, we often lack the confidence that goes with being slim and physically fit. Slim, fit people are often much more confident than overweight people. If we can adopt a feeling of confidence about our shape and body, it will enable us to feel positive and boost our confidence, which will have a lasting impact upon so many other areas of our life.

- Think of the money we can save
Those of us who are in good health and maintain a constant normal body weight, usually pay a substantially reduced premium on our life and medical insurance payments. If we are fit and slim, we are less likely to need medication or require hospitalization or surgery in comparison to if we were overweight. Our medical insurance may cover the majority of any costs, but we may still incur substantial costs. If we take care of our body, our cash can be put towards much more pleasant ventures than health and medical care.

- Boost our passion
Few of us realise that if we are out of shape and overweight it can possibly lead to erectile dysfunction. This is mainly due to high blood pressure and raised cholesterol, which combined can have a detrimental effect on our activities in the bedroom department.

- Boost our libido
Women can also suffer from a lack of desire due to diminished libido. If we are embarrassed about our body, lack confidence because of being overweight, and generally dislike the way our body looks, we will find it difficult to summon up any enthusiasm for sex.

- Help with fertility and anti natal health
Infertility can often be attributed to being overweight, as it can make conception more difficult, and also problems can occur in carrying a baby to term and delivering without complications. There are many dangers in pregnancy if we are overweight, for us and our baby. These include gestational diabetes, and a higher risk of us requiring a caesarean section.

- We can add years to our lifespan
Obviously we are all aware that if we are fit and healthy, our lifespan is much more likely to be longer than others that are overweight and sickly. We are also less likely to suffer as many health problems if we have a healthy lifestyle. By losing weight we can not only extend our life but also live a happier, fuller life if we have good health and strength.

If we have not gained enough motivation to inspire us to lose weight from the list above, then we must think of any personal reasons that will give us the inspiration to take action. Do we want to look slim and sexy for our partner? Do we want to be slim and fit enough to run and play with our children? If we can focus on our reasons and allow them to inspire and motivate us into taking action and lose those unwanted pounds and improve our over all health and wellbeing for a life time
by david townley