Food Is NOT The Weight Loss Enemy - YOU Are!

Have you ever wondered why some people have no trouble losing weight and keeping it off while others struggle with the never-ending weight yo-yo? Most people don't realize this, but there is a direct connection between weight loss and self esteem/self worth, but not in the way you might think.

Now, before I begin, I want to clarify that this article does not apply to everyone who is overweight. 
Some people may have gland or hormone issues. For others, genetics may play an important role. 
However a large percentage of people who are overweight never realize that improving their self esteem BEFORE and during the weight loss attempt will make the process much easier.

People tend to believe that their low self esteem comes from being overweight. Yes, that is partially true because the weight just adds to the negative feelings, but sometimes they forget to examine why they got fat in the first place. Often times it's because they've used food for comfort to help alleviate depression or low self esteem. So they end up eating their way to an undesirable weight.

Losing the weight is a constant struggle because they haven't addressed the real reason they continue eating the wrong foods and avoid exercise. And until they do, the weight loss will always be an uphill battle because they will continue using food for comfort.

You must attack the issue from the root. Overeating may only be a symptom of a bigger problem. Why are you sad? Did you lose a loved one? Did you have a nasty divorce? Were you abused? Do you constantly compare yourself to others and feel inadequate? Do you always put yourself down?

When you truly love yourself from the inside out and have a high degree of self esteem, losing weight becomes much easier because you don't have the suppressed feelings of inadequacy, anger, sadness, etc. Your main focus is getting your body healthy because you want to do it for yourself and no one else.

Until you really learn to love yourself for who you are, you will always feel sad or inadequate about something in your life. The weight may come off temporarily, but usually comes right back on.

Because when you don't feel good about yourself, it's very difficult to stay motivated to eat healthy, exercise and do all the things you need to do to stay in shape. Your mind is too preocuppied with feelings of self pity or other negative issues in your life. So the weight yo-yo continues.

There are so many companies out here pushing the latest diet pills, fat loss machines and so-called miracle solutions to weight loss. I wish they would spend more time educating people on why they are overweight in the first place. When people learn to attack their issues from the root, they'll realize it's much easier to make eating healthy and exercise a priority.

So before you blame a food addiction for your weight problem, take it a step further and ask yourself why you keep turning to that food for comfort. The solution to your weight loss struggle may be a self esteem or lifestyle change away. :-)

Lisa Irby is the author of - a site that squashes many of the myths about weight loss and flattening the stomach.