5 Life-Saving Reaons You Must Lose Weight

Obesity is at epidemic levels in America today. It seems to affect the entire spectrum of ages, nationalities and both sexes. Look at these shocking numbers...

* 59 million Americans are considered overweight.

* 40 million Americans are obese.

* 3 million Americans are "morbidly" obese.

Every day millions of us stand in front of our mirrors and bemoan the fact that we are overweight and out of shape. Yet most of us will go eat the rest of the chocolate cake to console ourselves - rather than take action to get control of our weight!

Maybe these five reasons to actually start a weight loss program - reasons that could actually save your life - will help encourage you...

1. Live Longer

2. Be Healthier Longer

3. Look Better (now and in the future)

4. Enjoy Life More

5. Be Proud of Yourself

Reason #1: You'll live longer.

Obesity is actually responsible for more early deaths than smoking. For the first time in a thousand years, life expectancy is expected to drop mainly because of obesity. It looks like slimming down CAN add more years to your life!

Reason #2: You'll be healthier longer.

Statistics prove that people who are overweight, obese, or morbidly obese begin struggling with serious health problems at a much earlier age than those who maintain a normal weight. We now have children with high blood pressure due to obesity.

Reason #3: You'll look better.

Nobody can argue this one. The fact is that "fluffy" is out and "thin" is in. There was a time when only the very wealthy could afford to be fat - being overweight was considered attractive!
We have to face the fact that today, it's much more socially and psychologically acceptable to look and feel great fit. It's a matter of mental and well as physical health.

Reason #4: You'll enjoy life more.

Obese people are more inclined to be depressed and stressed out than their thinner and fitter counterparts. "Fat and jolly" is a myth. "Fat and miserable" is more like it, and the added mental stress of being overweight can shave years off your lifespan.

Reason #5: You'll be proud of yourself.

Overweight people often lose their self-pride. They might put on a "happy face" and appear to ooze confidence, but they don't feel that way inside.

When overweight people lose weight and get fit, they are as proud of themselves as those who kick the smoking habit or kick a drug habit. They gain a sense of having accomplished a difficult feat... and they have. This well-deserved pride can have a powerful affect on their self-esteem and overall health and well being.
Needing to lose weight isn't limited to old sedentary adults. The percentage of children and teenagers who are obese is staggering. But with so many life-saving reasons to lose weight, don't you think it's time you got started?

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Visit [http://www.fitnessmadeeasy.net] to get more free tips and resources on how to lose belly fat, build muscle and have a perfect six pack abs.